Medicare can be a confusing topic. That’s why eAmeriFamily Insurance is here to help free of charge. Medicare Health Insurance is offered uniformly throughout the country. eAFI offers our service throughout the United States and have the experience to help you make an informed decision about Medicare Health Insurance. Here is a quick overview of your options. To get things started and further go into depth about your options, give us a call today.
The Medicare Alphabet
Medicare Part A
Hospital Coverage
No Premium
No Deductible
Medicare Part B
Medical Coverage
Monthly Premium
Annual deductible and 20% Self-Pay
Medicare Part C
Medicare Advantage Plans
Offered through Health Plan Carriers
Advantages of Additional Benefits
Medicare Part D
Prescription Medicine Coverage
Offerd through Prescription Insurance Carrier
You Have Two Options for Additional Coverage:
First Option - Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C)
Covers Part A, Part B, and Part D of Medicare
All plans approved by Medicare
Premiums per month
“Advantages” (annual physical, vision, gyms)
Available through national/regional carriers
Most plans include prescription coverage
Second Option - “Supplement or MediGap” plans
Covers Part A and B only – Need to buy Part D
Plans are standardized by Medicare
Premiums start at about $110 per month
Available through insurance companies
Medicare Prescription Coverage (Part D)
Available through RX plan and Medicare Advantage
Different plans and co-pay levels
Plans may have deductibles
Plans may cover generics in the “gap”
Available at pharmacies or through the mail order
How Part D Works
You Pay Co-Pay |
Retail Price |
$7 |
$100 |
$29, etc. |
$250, etc. |
When the co-pay and retail amount totals $2,700*… you are in the “Doughnut Hole.” You pay full price until you have paid $1,650* out of your own pocket. You are now out of the GAP and you pay the greater of $2.40 or $6 or 5%.
*This does vary by plan.
Let eAmeriFamily Insurance compare plans for you so you can get the Medicare Health Plan that meets your health and financial needs. No one should expect all this information to be familiar. That’s what we are here for. It can all get a little overwhelming at times, we understand. eAmeriFamily Insurance is here to assist you in the process to find what suits your individual needs. We take the time to talk to you for however long it may take until you are satisfied and comfortable with the choices.
eAmeriFamily is about personal attention. You speak with a live insurance specialist, not a computer. Call us to start the process of gaining the information and attention you deserve to make the best decision about Medicare Health Insurance for you.
Medicare is sometimes confused with Medicaid. Click here to learn more about the difference between Medicare and Medicaid.