MVP offers quality, affordable Medicare for New York residents that gives you personal customer service. In order to be eligible you must live in an eligible New York county. MVP Healthcare offers Medicare options including Medicare Advantage plan Preferred Gold HMO and GoldAnywhere PPO.
If you select the Preferred Gold HMO Medicare Advantage plan, you will have access to a health provider network with 15,000 doctors, hospitals, and specialists located throughout the state of New York. The plan also allows you to see specialists even if you do not have a primary care referral as well as receive acupuncture treatment benefits and a yearly compensation for prescription eye wear. You will also receive a travel benefit that helps you get to your primary care provider without a deductible. With the Preferred Gold HMO plan you will receive global emergency and urgent health care coverage.
The plan also boasts the SilverSneakers Fitness Program which gives you free use of gyms and exercise centers across New York. You will also receive $100 HealthDollars to use towards fitness activities or health programs such as yoga classes, medical IDs, safe driving instruction, and even personal medical alert systems.
After you reach the drug $2,380 drug deductible, you are responsible for the total cost of your medications until you hit the out-of-pocket limit. Once you pay $4,550, your prescription costs are limited to either 5% or $2.50 for generic medication, and $6.30 for brand name medication, whichever cost is larger.
The GoldAnywhere PPO Medicare Advantage plan gives you all the same benefits as the Preferred Gold HMO plan additionally allowing you to see any doctor, anytime, anywhere.
As soon as your yearly drug costs (what you pay and what your plan pays) reach $2,380 you must make payment for the total cost of your prescriptions. This does not include Tier 1 prescriptions, which you will still pay only $9-$10 if you purchase them through a retail pharmacy or $18-$20 for mailed medications, depending on where you live. After you reach the out-of pocket limit ($4,550 in this plan), you will pay only 5% or $2.50 for generic drugs, or $6.30 for brand name medications, whichever cost is higher.
You qualify to enroll in one of MVP's Medicare Advantage plans if you:
Are entitled to both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B insurance programs. In order to remain eligible, you must continue to make payments on your premium for Medicare Part B. You also need to live in one of MVP’s service areas within New York.
Reside in one of the New York State counties served by MVP.
Have been diagnosed with end stage renal disease (ESRD) and are already enrolled in an MVP Health Plan, or have ESRD and a successful kidney transplant that replaces your dialysis.