Woodmen/Assured Life offer competitive Medicare supplement pricing. Their Medicare supplement plans offered are A, B, C, D, F, G and Plan N (except in PA). Woodmen/Assured Life is built on the foundation of four values: Hospitality, Service, Loyalty and Protection. A company established to join the essentials of fraternity and life insurance, Woodmen/Assured Life offer comprehensive Medicare supplement plans.
To quote Woodmen/Assured Life, their products serve to “uphold the American family which we recognize to be the basis of our great country and our society.” Their dedication to our country is further proven by the vast amounts of volunteering and community service they constantly do and have done for over a century with the belief that they are simply “doing their part.” From their dedication to Americans and commitment to protection to their extensive Medicare supplement plans offered, Woodmen/Assured Life is an excellent option in today’s Medicare and Medicare Advantage arena.